Andrew 🐝 Goldman

7 лет назад · 1 мин. время чтения · ~10 ·

Блог по Andrew 🐝
Some live comparison of posting results: BeBee VS LinkedIn

Some live comparison of posting results: BeBee VS LinkedIn

What gets measured gets managed.



A few days ago I made a post: "On which social network to BeBee?" link below:

Later I made Its copy on LinkedIn to compare the results and here they are:


On which social network to BeBee?

The world is changing daily. Jobs come and jobs go. New professions and
expertise required. Everything is changing so fast that people either adapt
and enjoy the ride, or parish. Social networks is a huge milestone in life, in
marketing campaigns and in...

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See how your post is doing

35 views nthe Last 7 cays v



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Views comparison seems just unreal: 

BeBee has 1000 views and LinkedIn 35. 

But when we come to likes:

BeBee has 25 and LinkedIn 29. How could that be? In one case we have a terrible conversion and in another amazing.

At the same time with comments it's different again:

Bebee 16 and LinkedIn 1 (in reality it should be 11 on BeBee because even my comments are counted, on LinkedIn only comments of other people) And still it's 10 times more feedback on BeBee.

Shares, we don't have numbers on BeBee but I know that there were at least 9 of them and I've had just 1 on LinkedIn.

Hard to come to any conclusion now. But it seems that calculations are different, at the same time I've had a promotion on BeBee because of getting 20 relative marks and 5 comments. And still in case of likes LinkedIn was more efficient in that part. I'll see what's going on with those articles so as, do a few more comparisons. Will see how it goes.

I have another article I compared but I don't take those results seriously cause I just started on BeBee that day, had no followers. Still, you might be interested in taking a look:

It's called: "What to do if you have nothing?"



Number of Views on LinkedIn is 744, shares 39.

Andrew Goldman


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