О Aleksey Postnikov:
Passionate DL research scientist, with background in Robotics, Perception and Computer Vision.
5 years in Data Science\ Deep Learning
Опыт работы
1st place at Shifts motion prediction challenge 2021 organized by Yandex &
Development of trajectory prediction system (Deep Learning, Pytorch, Computer
Author of several research papers (Trajectory prediction, Motion Planning) at leading
conferences in the field of DL, CV, Robotics (ICRA, IROS, NeurIPS workshop).
Conducted joint research with Microsoft Research in the field of Reinforcement
Learning (Deep RL, Pytorch).
Development of technology for improving industrial robots collaborative quality
(CV, DL, ROS).
Development of path planning algorithms for autonomous mobile robots (ROS)
Developing computer vision-based localization algorithms (ROS, CV).
Developed Patent: predictive collision avoidance system for industrial
2019 - till now: PhD Computational and Data Science and Engineering (Skolkovo institute of science and technology)
2015-2017: Master Space Systems, Management, and informatics in technical systems (Skolkovo institute of science and technology)
2011-2015: Bachelor (Moscow Bauman State Technical University, Special machinery, Control, and informatics in technical systems)